I began modelling at the age of 15. Long before the dawn of 'Clean Beauty' brands!
I considered skin reactions an occupational hazard of a glamorous job for the first 5 years of my career. Then I wised up and began schooling myself on ingredient lists. This is how I discovered that it wasn't all beauty products I was allergic to, it was just the ones that were formulated with certain synthetic ingredients.
These days we're far more aware of what we put on and in our bodies. But, when it comes to anti-aging skincare, I rarely come across a woman who knows exactly which products to choose for her skin.
I created The Rich Skin Club blog five years ago because I found myself constantly explaining my skincare routine to friends, family, and strangers. I now get to help women who want to repair damaged skin, control acne breakouts, or just gain a better understanding of their skin and how to look after it.
Because bad skin doesn't just affect the way you look. It messes with your mood, your confidence, your vibe!

So, welcome to my little piece of cyberspace. Take a look around, read the blog, download a freebie, join the club, ask me a question...
Gabrielle x